Nightmare Contorller
Using hand gestures to control the person’s movement.
The goal of this project is to create a method of generating corresponding movement using a live movement or gesture based system. It is based around a patch for Max Msp/Jitter that will analyse the movements of the user through hand-mounted sensors and degree of movement tracking. At this halfway point in the project the focus is on using motion tracking to create interactive movements in the video cilp from Max.
In our team, everyone has little background with Eclipse and Processing. However, it is very different in Max/MSP. In other programming software, it is easier to find some sources and references on the Internet. Also, those programs are easy to learn and straight forward. In h, Max/Msp is also very easy to learn, but everything is set up with an icon. As a result, it is hard for us to know each code’s functionality well enough, especially how to connect each other icons and how they can work together. However, as we are learning the program and having done an assignment. We are now more familiar and know more about Max/MSP.
Concept of our design (how does it work)
The key loop that makes the light on and off in order
The core of the code ( camera input )
How to sense the movement
part1 (coordinates)
part2 (movement amount)
part3 (set senstivites)
part4 (set if statements of coordinates and movement amounts)